Monday, February 25, 2013

P is for Progress

My training schedule each week has increased in intensity, which is AWESOME, but it’s hard to feel like I’m making progress or completing a workout thinking “oh, that was easy”. When workouts continue to get harder I am always in the same mental boat of “how the heck am I going to get through this week?!” But I always do despite all of my complaining and not taking any time to reflect that I am, in fact, making progress.

Of course I realize that I still have a lot of work to do, but this past week I had a few shining moments where I was able to be so joyous during my workouts. The week wasn't off to a great start with a track practice in the pouring rain, a solo bike ride with 20mph winds and a LOT of saying “I don’t want to”, but bounced back in true Newton’s law form.  

I was feeling nervous and intimidated to run with the SB running & racing team Saturday morning (even though I met a few of them already at track practice) because they're such an elite group of runners! I definitely wasn’t the fastest… not even close… but the people in the group are all so friendly, humble and helpful. Much like the SB Tri group. (I need to start including hash tags like #strengthinnumbers or #whyikeeptraining in my posts to emphasize how important and beneficial it is to train with a like-minded group(s)!)

Anyways… back on track… we ran around the Mountain Drive/Gibraltar area & if you need a new running route try this one! The views are SO spectacular that I was often distracted by them & not realizing I was on mile 6… 10… 13. I’m not sure I should share this next part with you because I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it, but I’m not one to hold out on you guys :) . I ran 15 miles total (warm-up, tempo run, warm-down) with NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES. No iPod, no audio book, no nuthin’. The craziest thing is that I actually felt like the run was easier and I could keep my pace (& sometimes go a bit faster).

This goes against everything I've ever believed in regarding running. I was running hills + long mileage on a early Saturday morning, listening to my own breath and ENJOYING it.

Mind. Blown.

I've already been instructed to run with the same group this upcoming weekend so I’ll let you know if that time was an outlier or if I’m becoming *gasp* a runner. Also have to admit that my knee was feeling a bit fatigued/sore the last few miles but I assume that’s because of the hills I hope?

Another shining moment was in yoga class yesterday. I’m finally able to do the crow pose!!! I must have looked like a psycho in class with my “kid on Christmas” smile after we were done holding that pose, but I was so giddy to finally be able to do a new pose that I've been failing at for weeks that I couldn't contain myself. We were then supposed to follow it up with a tripod headstand but my brain heard “not-so-graceful somersault” instead. Maybe next time.

So yes… the feeling of actual progress... It’s awesome. I’m thankful for the moments I realize that the training really does pay off and VERY THANKFUL for the people who hold me accountable, teach me and support me. This week of workouts is looking pretty intense… but at least the weather is going to cooperate and after next Sunday I start tapering! Yipeeeeeee! :))

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