Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Delayed... not Defeated

So… marathon training:  It’s not happening. I haven’t felt very encouraged to blog about my progress because I’ve been going backwards. Not only do I have the excuses used by everyone that,  “I don’t have enough time”, “I’m too busy”, I also have a stubborn left knee that refuses to get on board with my 2012 Goals list. I want to run sooo badly but my legs aren’t cooperating. I’m sure that this is my body’s way of making a point, which I can’t ignore, that it’s tired from completing all of my other goals this year.

I’m officially “downgraded” to running the SB half marathon in a few weeks instead of the full. Downgraded you say? I know. I realize I’m talking crazy for most of you reading this. I should be stoked that I’m not even phased by running 13 miles, and do admit it’s a little ridiculous to be super bummed out that I’m only running 13 miles instead of the 26 I was hoping for.

Don’t worry… already signed up for the LA Marathon in March. Delayed… not defeated. Goal for 2012 2013: run a marathon. Among other things…. ;)

In the meantime I will be besties with Ibuprofen, a foam roller, ice, a PT (Geoff I’m counting on you!), and my knee brace. Oh, how I LOVE my knee brace. I can run a slow painful 4 to 5 miles with it on, versus not wearing and having much limping and crying involved after only running 1 mile. It’s pa-thet-ic.  I suppose that now is as good of time as ever to focus on my swimming “skills” if I’m attempting to complete an IronMan in the near future. (Wait, what?)

Also, in unrelated news I’m MOVING! (Finally, right?!) Just to a different part of the city, but I’m so excited for a change… AND a roomie AND awesome neighbors ;). I broke the news to my sweet, generous grandparents last night… I told them I had very exciting news for them to which my grandpa immediately replied “you’re finally getting married??” God bless him. “Mmmm… no…. grandpa, I’m not. I’m just moving out 3 years after I told you that this was only a temporary living situation, & thought you’d be excited about it.” Delayed… not defeated.

This will also delay my plan to get a “better” bike with aero bars. Less than 1 year & I already want an upgrade!! It’s unfortunate that I can’t bring my current bike in & just exchange it for a different one. J

So with many things athletic and personal, I will accept *temporary* delays and not be or feel defeated. Oh, United Airlines would be SO proud of me for saying that (which is a WHOLE other story which I can tell you if you’re having a bad day… it’ll make you feel a lot better). I think I’m beginning to understand & respect the mantra that I’ve heard a few of you use: 

Relentless. Forward. Progress.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Race Report Digression

I’m definitely going to sign up for more sprint triathlons – they’re super fun! And for me, way more practical at this point J. The Carpinteria Triathlon was a bit harder to train for only because I felt like I got too busy with LIFE to put training as a priority. My life has shifted from having track workouts, Nite Moves, or group rides and swims everyday to my volunteer work plus trying to get in more face time with family, friends and also not be a complete disaster in the dating realm.

With little training, I was pleasantly surprised with my performance last weekend. I came in 7th in my age division and had a great race with no injuries, flat tires or shark bites, great weather and great support. For this race I felt like I was actually competing against people instead of watching everyone fly by me. Granted I still felt like that during the swim, but on the bike and run course I was actually PASSING people. I have a lot of swim work to do before my next race since it’s without a doubt my weakest area, but overall it felt really great. And FUN! Again… love the sprint distances. For anyone reading this who hasn’t done a tri (but I know you wannnnt tooooo!!), please do what normal people do & sign up for the sprint distance FIRST.

Do as I say, not as I do ;)

Now I can “fully” concentrate on my upcoming marathon. Yes I know – it never ends! I have about 5 weeks to feel comfortable running 26.2 miles, which at this point seems really scary and unattainable. WHY a FULL marathon?? It hurts. The training hurts my body more than it did for the triathlon. I’m also still swimming a few times a week & incorporating yoga in as much as I can for cross-training. I’m realizing that training for a marathon requires yoga and foam rollers as much as it does running!

It’s crazy to think that one year ago I was training for the half-marathon which, at the time, seemed like a huge undertaking. Now I’m running distances longer than the half as my TRAINING runs. My legs are absolutely not happy about this, but my ego thinks it’s pretty cool. As much as I complain, I really love it though. Not the pain, but everything else. Pushing your body (& mind a lot of the time) and being temporarily (super) uncomfortable is worth the rewards that come with it. Double entendre? Kidding?

Not sure that I can be a marathon advocate as much as one for doing a triathlon at this point. Will keep you posted as promised. I can say though… running 15 miles yesterday has erased ALL guilt of me sitting here right now listening to Louis Armstong’s “La Vie En Rose”, enjoy the “Fall” weather & write… with chai tea… and cookies… sleeping in until 8, even. I’m not sure I can sell you on running 20+ miles, but I can sell you on how great recovery days can be.

I’ll try & do a better job keeping up with blogging with my last few intense weeks of training for the year. I’m hoping I won’t have too many training woes. Maybe I’ll just it into a running forum: ex: “what 4-5 hours of music do you listen to on your iPod?”, “how long am I allowed to stay in the ice bath?”

I digressed a bit from my original plan to have this entry be a race report on Carp. So…. ahhh, yes basically Carp is really as great as everyone says it is & I would most definitely do it again. J

P.S. If anyone knows great Seattle running routes (cough, Maddie) let me know