Sunday, February 16, 2014

I have an announcement!

Usually people wait until 3 months in to make a public announcement, but I can’t wait that long. *ahem* In exactly nine months from now (11.16.14), I will get to meet Ironman Arizona for the first time.

NO, NO, and N-O. Just expecting the race of my life (sorry mom), plus so many other people have been making big announcements lately & I’m feeling a little left out, okay?

Now that we've all suffered mini heart attacks & I have your attention, I can talk about current training issues like “does NormaTec have a payment plan option?” and “It’s possible to chafe… where??”
I won’t go into that either. I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg anyway of new “fun” issues that arise during IM training. Instead I’d like to focus on my current level of motivation and inspiration. Somewhere along the line, I have learned to enjoy (at least parts of) swim practices, long runs and climbing hills on my bike. My coach would probably be happy to hear this… but don’t tell him I said it!

I have to be honest… my new Garmin + uploading everything to Strava has definitely been a great tool for a data junkie like me. I have more to analyze and together they keep me & my workouts honest! It’s also fun to see grand totals of swim/bike/run mileage J. “Well according to Strava I've biked like, 500 miles, so I can totally eat this cupcake right now.”

But seriously. That will happen… and possibly has happened already.
For the next 9 months my new normal will be soreness and hunger. Some days will be better… a LOT better… than others, but all of that will get me to the finish line and I will feel proud knowing that I've earned the right to be called an Ironman. I've been deeply inspired by this quote from Marianne Willamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Right away I associated this with Ironman training. I know there are many other facets in life to become powerful & shiny in, but I suppose since training has become such a huge focus for me I can’t help but relate everything to a race or workout. My take away from this quote is that IM is definitely an opportunity for me to shine, to find power, to inspire and grow (in more ways than one). The biggest Pro and Con is that I’m fairly new to the sport. My first triathlon was 2.5 years ago, so I’m still able to consistently see big progress in all 3 sports, but it’s definitely a bit intimidating and frustrating to not be as good as a REAL Ironman. Sometimes I feel like such a faker & that I’m way out of my league (this might be true, but don’t tell me if it is), but other times… most times… I just feel really awesome that every single week I can honestly say “this is the most fit I've been in my life”.
The feeling of this progress and constantly breaking down the mental barriers of “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough”, and maybe a little Avenged Sevenfold in the ear buds, carries me through the hard runs & steep bike rides. The determination provides reprieve when I see “EVERYONE” on Facebook having “SO MUCH FUN ALL THE TIME” and provides energy at 5:30am to get my butt in the pool.

I’m attempting to stay social between my job and training, but I may only make it to events in the afternoon. The window of opportunity is slowing closing between the time I finish a workout and the time I need to be in bed! But… I really love it. For me it’s definitely a time to shine & prove to myself & others what is possible and why I choose not to play small.

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