Sunday, January 26, 2014

I can't move my legs

Where has the time gone? Less than 300 days to go (293 days & 13 hours to be exact) & Ironman feels less real to me than ever. The excitement of signing up has worn off, & I’m stuck in this weird middle area where I’m training a lot but don’t have any end goals on my radar. Training hard six days a week prompts a lot of people to ask what I’m training for or when my next race is, and I feel discomfited saying “well, I have a race 11 months from now…”.

Training seems like a light switch: I’m either super motivated & pushing myself all week, or I’m going through a whole week grumbling & barely accomplishing what’s on my schedule. Both swimming and running have felt a lot easier and I am noticeably getting better at both. Not great, but better. The longer distances & intensity levels feel motivating now instead of exhausting. I really hope that trend continues throughout the year!

I’m only riding once a week (around 40 miles) and it feels ROUGH. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not on my bike enough, or if I’m riding the day after a long ride, or… something else? All of the above? When I’m on the bike all I can think about is how I’m going to race (not just survive) for 112 miles?? I guess my one saving grace is that I do have a good amount of time before race day to train & play around with nutrition options.

Another great thing is that I finally bit the bullet & bought a new super fancy watch (Garmin 910xt)! I haven’t worn it in the water yet, but now that I have a heart rate strap and can upload all data into Strava, I've reached a whole new level! I love having so much data to look at & analyze, not to mention the watch keeps me honest since anyone is able to see my workout detail J.

At this point I’m feeling pretty challenged & am appreciative of any days off as well as eating the right food(s). I’m still meat free and feel like my body is handling it ok… will see how I fare when my training doubles! Also hoping I can stay motivated more often than not! I'm happy I had a great and FULL weekend of training so I can fully enjoying lounging on the couch watching the Grammy's. And maybe eating some Thai food.. 


  1. You're awesome. I don't know how you do it.

    1. Believe it or not... your body becomes used to this! Also I'm a big advocate of carbs & caffeine :D
