Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So long, 2013!

I’m so busted.

People have been asking “when is your training going to start?” & I've been giving the cop-out answer of “oh I’ll start in January… after the holidays”. Welp, here we are. That means… to-mor-row:

My training hasn't really ever stopped, but it’s been fairly easy compared to what’s in store for 2014. Before I know it I’ll be on here whining about my 20+ mile run or 85+ mile bike ride & wishing to have my current schedule back. Thinking about doing a workout like that at this point seems so far-fetched, but soon it’ll be my reality. And as tired, sore and worn down as I may be from it… I’ll still secretly think of myself as a badass. I say “secretly” because I’m surrounded by so many people that are WAY more badass than I am & I’m not about to compete with that.

It still hasn't really hit me that I’m on the Ironman Journey because I've barely had time to think about what’s happening tomorrow. For example:  I’m currently not focused on IM performance, I’m only thinking about the Resolution Run tomorrow morning & wondering if I can get my 1st 2014 PR on the 1st day of the year :)

But I suppose before I even think about tomorrow, I should do some reflecting on this past year. What would a year-end blog entry be without this, right? When I think about 2013, one word comes to mind immediately: Progress. This past year has absolutely, without a doubt, been a year of progress. I started in January when Mike Swan became my triathlon coach. I still consider this to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. He is a phenomenal coach & mentor to so many people, and I couldn't ask for a better person to lead me to the Ironman Arizona finish line.

February I started a new job at a larger company with a larger job title… & definitely now have a larger network and overall understanding of accounting :). In March I ran (& finished) my very first marathon after going to physical therapy for months because of tendinitis in my left knee. In May I completed my first Olympic distance triathlon, started a relationship in June-ish, finished my first 70.3 in July, and continued to PR all over the place thereafter! And… in September had my first ever podium finish.

I, in no way expect every year to be like this. So for all you Humble Superheroes… I know that PRs aren't going to happen every time I race, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts mmkay? With Wildflower 70.3 and a full 140.6 on my schedule this upcoming year, I won’t be making too many 5k & sprint appearances. I’ll be more like Crouching Cyclist Hidden Runner with my training. You’ll come to know me by my spelunker-like head lamp flashing by you in the wee hours of the morning.

Progress has been evident in all facets of my life this year. Of course I hope that this is happening EVERY year, but I think that 2013 this word shines above the rest. I haven’t written out my goals/resolutions/manifestations for 2014 yet, but I hope that I will continue to progress in all areas and to practice staying PRESENT.

With that said… I better go enjoy the rest of this day! Wishing you a safe, fun night full of sequins and bubbly :). Happy New Years Eve everyone!

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