Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post-Season Bliss

Quick Stats:

-Races: 8+ (3 half marathons, 1 full, 1 olympic triathlon, 1 half IronMan, 1 long course, 1 sprint, & multiple shorter running and swimming races)
-1st attempts: 2 (marathon, half IronMan)
-PR’s: 6

2013 has been quite a year for me! It’s been a looooong busy year but has produced some really great results and a LOT of improvement. Coincidence that every distance I raced this year resulted in a PR since I’ve had Mike Swan as my coach? I think not. I can say enough about Mike & what an incredible athlete and coach he is and how much I appreciate being one of the MANY athletes’ under his tutelage.  

I also realize that I’m pretty small time in the running and triathlon world. I’m satisfied with my progress over the past year but I’m hungry for more. I need to be better, faster, stronger. After my short “off season” that is J. I am not mad that my workouts this week include skiing, yoga and drinking big girl hot chocolates. Oh… & waking up to this the next few days:

Sorry, that was rude.  It’s been almost a year since I’ve had an off-season & I’m really enjoying (& appreciating!) my time off

Anyways, this Monday, I will be attempting to sign up for Ironman Arizona 2014 (it’s not official until its official), which means that starting January I will be throwing the training hammer down for most of 2014. I know it’s a bit overly optimistic to race a full Ironman since I haven’t been in the sport for that long, but for me it’s a natural progression for what I’ve been putting in the books the last few years.  I’m not trying to go to Kona… just to cross the finish line & hear Mike Reilly call me an Ironman.

I’m extremely grateful for the coaching training I’ve received this past year, for all the support , not having any injuries and I’m very much looking forward to another year of improving, fine-tuning & hopefully a few more PR’s! I’m not looking forward to dark cold mornings at the pool… but you gotta take the good with the bad.

Once you drink the kool-aid, it’s hard to stop… but I’ll take a small break to stop & smell the almond croissants.


1 comment:

  1. You're really working remotely today, I can tell.
