Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Morning After

I couldn’t have asked for a better race day. I had everything I needed, the weather was perfect, my tires didn’t blow out, had no injuries, and I finished the race with a number next to my name. Not a 1st place number, but not a last place either. For my 1st BIG race, I have already criticized so many parts of the race that I need to work on for next time (yeah, we all knew that was going to happen). At the same time, I couldn’t be happier. I completed the race, therefore completing my original goal, proved to myself that I can mentally and physically do/get through things I previously thought impossible, and MOST OF ALL…. MOST MOST MOST of all… the people!! I think that in just about all of my blogs I’ve mentioned how amazing the people are and I’m going to keep on doing it... because it’s that important to mention.

I’ve been asked a lot why I decided to sign up for long-course triathlon (especially for my first race!) and a big part of that is the people. Of course there are other “minor” things like… wanting to challenge myself, being in THE best shape of my life, and having the satisfaction of accomplishing a huge personal goal. I couldn’t have made it through 5 months of training and the actual race itself without moral support (and GU). I can’t begin to express how grateful I am to have so much love, encouragement, training tips, etc etc from such wonderful people. But for now at least… thank you family, thank you friends, thank you coaches & trainers, thank you spectators, and thank you fellow athletes & training buddies.

Today, as I was enjoying my first morning off in a while and taking time to reflect, came to the realization that many others have come to… the reason to continue to race, train and to keep signing up and showing up. It’s not just about how well you do in a race (although important), it’s about overall health, about commitment to personal growth, about being part of a COMMUNITY of people who value the same lifestyle. I feel that after doing this race, I’m beginning to truly understand what it’s all about.

As cheesy as this is, the past 6 months of training, supporting and racing have been the most fulfilling and gratifying months I’ve probably ever had in my life. I mean it! Mentally, physically and emotionally satisfaction…  all bundled up in just one race. Another question I’ve been asked a lot is “will I sign up for another race or do this again?”. It’s not really an easy yes or no answer for me. Actually… let me rephrase that… it’s not an easy YES answer. YES means committing more time, committing my mind and body to more goals, making lifestyle changes to keep myself in the shape I need to be in for what I want to accomplish. Which is still TBD, btw. Ultimately, the answer to that is: I want to accomplish everything that I possibly can. I don’t know what that means yet or what my limit is or if I even have a limit, but I will never know unless I try to find it.

So… my answer is YES.

But it’s not a light-hearted yes, because I’ve carefully considered all of the aforementioned commitments and know that by saying yes, I’m accepting responsibility to keep myself disciplined, to be held accountable, to keep signing up and showing up even when I hate every second of it. I understand this is no small undertaking, and as I progress it will even less small, but I also know without a single shred of doubt in mind that I want this. “This” meaning the feeling of accomplishing a great goal and working hard and honestly for it, the feeling of surprising even yourself of what you can accomplish and looking at how far you’ve made it, the feeling of having great relationships with people… with a community… that want all of the same things you do and knowing we’re all here to help each other.

At this point I’m not exactly sure where I’m headed (aside from a full marathon in November. Ha!), I just know the general direction I want to go and WILL go with an open heart, open mind and open arms… welcoming more challenges, relationships and self-discoveries.

So I, Erica, take thee [insert race], to be my lifestyle, and before God and these Facebook witnesses and blog followers, I promise to be a faithful and true trainer/ee  give it my best. I will love you AND hate you, take comfort AND soreness, in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty (unless I find some sponsors), 'til death do us part I say so and will forever do my best to pay it forward.


"Triathlon doesn't build character. It reveals it."- Unbekannt


See y’all out there. Much love and thanks,


Friday, August 3, 2012


My race is THIS month! 22 days to be exact. Time sure flies when you’re training. I have to constantly remind myself of how far I’ve come physically and mentally since I started. Conversely, I have to remind myself to not get so discouraged with body that it can’t do everything I want it to… yet.

In the broad scheme of things I am still very “green” with the training, racing, logistics, etc. compared to a lot of people I train with who’ve been at it for years. It has been extremely beneficial (and humbling!) to train with and to be surrounded by seasoned racers. I’m truly grateful to the moon and back for all of the patience, support and training tips I’ve received in the past few months. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!! You know who you are. I’ll also have you know that it’s really frustrating for me to constantly try and be on your level. Almost makes me want to sign up for an IronMan one day (baaaaaahahahahahahahaha)…


Running update: Not much to say here except more often than not I’m getting the relaxed “euphoric” feeling (without music, even) versus the “ohmygawd…kill me now” feeling. Oh – and I’m most definitely getting faster! Thank you track workouts.

Swimming: I’m staying under 30min now for the Nite Moves swim! A horrific time for you, but always a PR for me. I feel like I actually have swimming lungs now and am pretty comfortable swimming about a mile & a half during my swim practices. Still in the geriatric lane (lane 1) but I can honestly say that I really enjoy swimming. Not only does it make my muscles feel great, it also allows me time for a lot (a LOT) of daydreaming.  Practice (& races) really fly by and are a lot more pleasant when I imagine myself winning gold medals and accepting Ryan Lochte’s marriage proposal rather than counting my strokes every 100 meters. My imagination has no bounds and ZERO shame.

Biking: ohhh biking. I would love nothing more than to chuck my bike off a cliff after lighting it on fire and doing a ceremonial dance. I’m able to go the distance and can tackle the hills pretty well, but I’m still bitter about my wipeout and can’t seem to get over my fear of going downhill. I know… it’s supposed to be the fun part. The RELIEF. For me I’d prefer to race uphill because I can actually full out race and not grab my brakes the whole way. My bike & I have been spending a lot of quality time together & have gone through what I consider the “scary” parts of course over and over and over, but I can’t seem to get past my residual fear of eating shit… err… asphalt again.  

General: I have to say that overall, mentally and physically, training for the race has been SO great. I think this applies at all levels. Whether it’s “couch to 5k”, a Tri, IM, marathon, etc. it’s such a great feeling to know that you’re improving yourself and can get to the realization of  “wow I can actually DO this!”. I’m finally at the point where I’m very much looking forward to this race. I know I’m not the fastest but I know that I’m capable. Although I still have 3 whole weeks…